Monday, August 31, 2009 Y 7:45 PM

Hey kids! I doubt any of you even read this blog anymore. Oh no, so sad. Oh wells. But if, in the case that you guys still do read this, HELLO! This is a very rare post from yours truly. The only one, actually. Wahahaha.

Anyway, promos are around the corner, and I hope that every single one of you have been studying! Your! Asses! Off! Seriously. The promos are like.. A major milestone in your JC life. And unfortunately, some will trip over the hurdle and be left behind *ahem*. The experience is painful, having t leave your friends behind and missing another year when you can be out of this mundane school life already. But what's done is done and we all need t face the consequences of our actions, right? I really want all of you t study hard and put it your best effort towards the looming promos. It probably is the most important thing in your life right now (aside from.. PW?) and I want t see all of us. And I mean it, ALL OF US, promote together, AS A CLASS. I don't want you t put in any less than your best, then regret later, wondering what could have been if only.. I've been through that, ask Jannah and Hayati, I'm sure they've ben through that too. Honestly, I did kind of regret not studying hard and shit when I could.. But when I really knew all of you, all 27 of you as a class, as classmates, as friends.. It really made me somewhat thankful that I was so lucky t be in such a wonderful class. Of course, much more can be expected from us in terms of our behaviour and our attitude in school.. But you guys, every single one of you, make me (kind of) want t go t school everyday. Omg so mushy I think I'm going t tear. But seriously. You make school that much more bearable, and 09A07 would just not be complete without anyone of you. *tears.

Okay let's move on from the sappiness already. On a more serious note! PLEASE STUDY! That's the #1 priority at the moment! Sacrifice everything you've got right now (eg. freedom, bf/gf, social life) cause once you clear this hurdle, you'll be thankful that you made that sacrifice in the first place. Okay? Okay. Good kids. Mummy's gonna go off and go back t doing Econs now. I hope all of you are studying okay! :D Love every single one of you. Really. (Of course not more than I love Kim but that's another story.)

Monday, August 17, 2009 Y 11:36 PM

OKAY seems like there's tonnes of complaints about the state of our blog, SO HERE GOES. 

Hey lovely Aseveners. If you're not in school, in school, at home, studying or not studying, please remember that PROMOS are only a few weeks away! So yes, have your fun if you must but remember that you have to put your fair share of effort in order to reap whatever rewards you wish to have (: Remember, as a retainee, I didn't get here from sheer stupidity, but mostly because I didn't put in the effort required of me (and I had to change my subjects. Eww, much?) so DO NOT make the same mistakes I did. When I was a true blue J1, I never thought I'd be repeating my year again, and I never believed my seniors when they said the line between promoting and retaining is sooooo thin, its practically hairline. Trust me when I say if you work hard now and study SMART! you'd have no problem making it to 09A07 2010 :D 

Do not, dearest friends, feel discouraged by your not-so-up-to-par-or-what-you-wished-for results for CTs, MSA2s, whatever. Its NEVER too late, and you could always ask for help if you need it, and PLEASE ASK! Learn from your past mistakes and prove to yourself you can do better - its you in the end of the day who sits for these papers and get to have the results you want slated next to YOUR names. Not your parents, the myriad of teachers, not our CEETEE, not your peers, but YOU. Do not make excuses for yourself - the onus is up to you to study, and trust me the feeling of regret of not doing well when you know you totally could've is unbearable!

I hope and pray that our class has a total enrollment of 28 lovely, noisy, melo-dramatic, athletic, fun-loving, ultimately crazy, forever-asking-too-many-questions, absolutely intellectual, and fabulous people in 2010 - we can do it, I know for sure. 

Trust me when I say, I believe in each and everyone of you, no matter who you are. 

Wengs, Em(mama), GENIE, Sian(-.-")pei, AmyMay, CurlywurlysFats, Hearts, gAeLrEmXan, Kelleanne, JT(bimbo), DANJ, Nic(honoraryHDBclubmember!), Samuel8), Joel, KEVINtheVP, JOkim, Jodie(M'sian), JOOOLZ, TeriYAKI, Eliz(:, ALEENAtiny, ShaHEYra, Timotheee, JiaCHING!, ReshVERN(as the K calls you), Asyrough.

Gosh yes I'm lame I know. Its hard not to be with a head full of SEA. boo. 
Jia you. All the best. Study hard.
I'm here if you need me.

When you jump, I jump - cos we're all in it together peeps! (:


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 Y 9:55 PM

hey guys, just wanna say a very big THANK YOU for all the hardwork and cooperation for today!

from being on time, to the cooperation with the groupings, to the no-complaints from anyone, to the cleaning and to the sweat and hardwork of everyone. i am very very very proud of you guys and your tireless effort throughout today alright? nothing beats the feeling when i hear that you guys enjoyed or have learnt something from the experience today. :DDD

let's take comfort in the fact that we've extend a helping to the society and may god bless each of everyone of you for your good deeds today.

and again, sorry for the last minute changes and all that.


with many many loves,
hayati. <333

ps: could someone make the fonts of this site BIGGER.

Monday, July 20, 2009 Y 9:38 PM

alright, in case some of you are blur about tmr, here are the complete details.

Meeting Point: Marymount MRT Station(Circle Line)
Meeting Time: 7.00am, latest 7.15am
  • there'll be a HELL LOT of RIJC kids at the MRT station, no kidding. so to avoid congestion, exit via exit A, and we'll meet at the bus stop.

Attire: School related t-shirt & School skirt/pants
  • for the guys, you can wear SAJC PE shorts, NO BERMUDAS. change only when we arrive at the home.

Additional info-Available buses: 54, 130, 132, 156, 162, 166, 167, 851, 980.
Those who would like to go directly there, instead of meeting at Marymount, pls inform me by tonight ok? alight where MEDIACORP is. upon allighting, you guys can see Esso, we'll meet somewhere around the area.


lastly, ms zhou have asked me to come up with groupings for tmr. we may or may not use the groupings but if we are, we'll assign jobs based on the groups allocated.

Group 1:

  1. Aleena
  2. Julianne
  3. Jeannie
  4. Kelley
  5. Hayati
  6. Elizabeth
  7. D.J
  8. WengKeong
  9. Samuel
  10. J.T

Group 2:

  1. Amy
  2. Fatimah
  3. Jodie
  4. Leanne
  5. Jannah
  6. Teri
  7. Kevin
  8. Asyraf
  9. Timothy

Group 3:

  1. Jia Xin
  2. Emma
  3. Joyene
  4. Sian Pei
  5. Shahera
  6. Alex
  7. Joel
  8. Reshveen
  9. Nicholas

strictly NO CHANGING OF GROUPS. pls cooperate. :)

alright, thats about it. sleep early and come fresh and ready to extend a helping hand alright? any questions just call me.

much love,

p.s: Kevin, thanks for your help!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Y 7:45 PM

This blog is so dead! Belated congratulations to (Refer to picture posted above) for (Refer to picture posted above) :D It's not the best picture but it's the only I could find.

All the best for CT results everyone :) Work hard for MSAs/promos! Reading Wuthering Heights can be such a chore for sometimes, go listen to the song on Youtube, and hope it'll be motivation enough to go back to the book! Might be a little freaky to some though. Hahahahaha.



Thursday, May 21, 2009 Y 8:44 PM

(i hate writing this entry, if you must know.)

Annoucement #1:

bring $10 class fund by LATEST tuesday.
pls be cooperative since we are in deficit and we owe ppl like JX money. failure to do so will result in personal confrontation by our (loveliest) Joyene. why so much some of you ask. one, it's for the notes. two, we owe ppl like Samuel for the Service Learning stuffs. kthanks.

Annoucement #2:

let me warn you guys 1st that there might be meet ups during the holidays to arrange and settle some Service Learning stuff. further details will be made known once i finalise details with our organization. so again, pls be cooperative.

ok, one more day to the weekends, press on guys!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Y 8:52 PM

This blog's been pretty dead lately!
 I just wanted to make a teeny update! 
maybe some of you may be facing the stress of PW (jo, don't rub it in their faces!) or
maybe feeling a little disappointed in the co-curricular department, or maybe
even the tests and homeworks may have been getting to you - or maybe 
even feeling the tension of the upcoming 
Never fear- i'm here to cheer you up a little! :D

here's a lovely little cute song I heard on youtube recently..
Hope it'll brighten your day, even if just only a teeny bit.


Remember this okay: things may not be going your way, or maybe you're feeling choked up with a thousand and one things to do, or just feeling low - things will get better (: I can promise you that. I'm always gonna be here for you guys, if you need me <3
